‘Heal America’ tour holds event in Chicago, focuses on education and humanity
Organizers on the ‘Heal America’ tour held an event in Chicago Wednesday, hoping to focus on education while acknowledging that there is a problem with race relations and violence.

Minnesota Reformer – “Heal America Tour” shows divisions in police reform movement
“The idea of America needs to be embraced to its fullest potential.” That was the message delivered by Bishop Omar Jahwar, CEO and founder of Urban Specialists and host of “Heal America: A Course Correction Conversation on Race, Citizenship, and Humanity,” held in Dallas on June 24 and streaming nationwide.

Essence – On Healing America
I was praying the other night and my words were simple: “God please heal America. As a country, we need your guidance to navigate through this trying time.”

The Well News – Standing Together: Heal America Tour to Host Community Discussion on Race, Reform in Minneapolis
A panel of community leaders will lead a discussion on systemic injustices in Minneapolis, Minn., on Wednesday as a part of the “Heal America Tour”, a series of events designed to spark productive dialogues on inequality in America.
The event, hosted by Bishop Omar Jahwar in partnership with Stand Together, will take place just a few miles from the location where George Floyd was killed while in Minneapolis police custody.

Urban Specialists announced it will host a discussion on advancing police reforms.
According to a release, the Heal America Tour: A Course Correction Conversation on Race, Citizenship & Humanity, will take place on July 29 at the Shiloh Temple International Ministries in Minneapolis. The discussion will be hosted by Urban Specialists CEO and Founder Bishop Omar Jahwar.

Instagram – Liv Warfield on Heal America
Last week, I was part of a movement that was so powerful that it shifted my thought process.
I was invited by @bishopomarjahwar and @standtogetherfoundation @standtogether to participate in singing my song “Freedom” on this platform. This was more than just singing.. this was an serious moment for me that really brought it home to my purpose again.